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Johannes Brahms. | Born May 7, 1833. Died April 3, 1897. | "The great modern classicist." Born | at Hamburg. His early musical education was | cared for by Cossel, and later by Marxsen. Brahms | went on tour with Remenyi, the violinist, in 1853 and | became acquainted with Liszt and Schumann, both of | whom regarded him, strangely enough, as a follower of | the most advanced Romantic school of modern music. | For four years Brahms was concertmeister to the Prince | of Lippe-Detmold (1854-58). Apart from this he held | very few official appointments. He found a staunch | supporter in Mme. Clara Schumann, who did as much to | familiarize the public with his pianoforte music. His | compositions are numerous though not very familiar to | the average musician on account of their serious nature. | Brahms, like Bach, is a "musician's musician"; the | beauty of his music does not lie on the surface, but it | exists, and when found is abiding. The general public | is more familiar with Brahms' Hungarian Dances than | with his four symphonies or even his Requiem, yet | Brahms can only be classed with the very highest | musical composers, and none who study his works can | fail to appreciate his serious purpose and loftiness of | conception.
From "Lullaby."
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