The lads in navy blue.
Years ago, when serving for their country, British tars have met our many foes!
How Jack fought, in vict'ries dearly bought, our history plainly shows.
What we did in glorious days of Nelson, England still can do.
Hearts of oak still scorn the foreign yoke; the old song still holds true,
Why in our glory do we tower?
What is the secret of our power?
It is the Navy, the British Navy, that keeps our foe at bay;
Our old song "Britannia rules the waves," we still can sing to-day.
We've got a Navy, a fighting Navy, our neighbours know that's true;
And it keeps them in their place, for they know they'd have to face
Rhe lively little lads in Navy Blue.
By arrangement with Harry Dacre and Franc Dean & Co.
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